【提案依頼】京都観光はたらくNavi SNSプロモーション素材制作業務
このページの目次背景と目的事業費スケジュール提案依頼事項(提出書類)提出方法審査方法留意事項 背景と目的 コロナ禍の影響が薄れて京都を訪れる観光客数...
The Kyoto City Tourism Association (KCTA) -DMO KYOTO- is composed of Kyoto city and tourism related businesses. It aims to improve Kyoto’s recognition as a world-class travel destination and its increase its brand power by continuously collecting information on Kyoto’s public relations activities and market trends and to transmit accurate information according to the situation of each markets. The KCTA is also commissioned by the city of Kyoto to manage “Kyoto Representative Offices”.
In addition, by the worldwide various situation, we will promptly collect information on the local market trends, etc. and transmit the correct information related to Kyoto tourism in preparation for the recovery period.
Herewith we are offering a job under a fixed contract agreement for the management of the Kyoto Representative Offices.
This project is based on the budget for the 2024 fiscal year (April 2024 – March 2025). If the budget for this project is not approved by the Kyoto City Council, the project may be suspended. In this case, the applicant will not be able to claim the expenses, even if expenses have already been incurred for the preparatory activities performed for the consignment.
Kyoto City Tourism Association
PR and Promotion Team
E-mail: promotion@kyokanko.or.jp
E-mail Magazine